There are several options available to assist you with tuition for training. A Skyway Trucking School Admissions Representative will counsel you as to the best avenue available for your individual situation. Almost all of the trucking companies we work with will reimburse either all or most of your tuition cost.
If you are serious about a career in the trucking industry then chances are, we have a way to help you cover your tuition costs and get you the training you deserve. Take the first step and contact Skyway Trucking School today! Let us help you get ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS! “Travel America’s Highway – Learn to drive with Skyway”.
Credit Cards & Debit Cards
We accept all credit cards and debit cards
V.A Funding
To qualify for Veteran Affairs funding, you need a GI Bill stating you are good to go. After that, we send the bill to VA, await approval, and then you will be enrolled.
Carrier - Sponsored Training
If you opt for Carrier-Sponsored Training, please have your employer contact us
Vocational Rehabilitation Program
AKA DOR: Come in to our office where you will have a caseworker and we will help you get the process started once they send the paperwork
CalWorks is a provider of financial aid. To see if you qualify for the program, you would need go to the county office. If you do qualify, they will send us a referral. We will then interview you and go from there.
Click above to know your Class Schedule, Tuition Costs and Available Financail Aids